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Annual General Meeting

The 2023 AGM was held on Monday, 5th June 2023 at 8 pm. Venue - Lancaster Cricket and Social Club.

Click HERE to view the Minutes of the meeting.

All Nominations, Rule Changes and Motions had to be with the Secretary by 15th May 2023 in order for them to be valid for discussion at the AGM.

Officers and Committee Members: -

The following were elected to the Committee for the 2023-2024 Season.

Chair: R Hitchings
Secretary: J Pollard
Treasurer: J Crossfield
Committee Members: C. Pownall; M. Kitchin; T. Myall; I. Nicholson; J. Hardman; C. Caldwell; P. Legon and I Gibson.

Rule Changes/Motions: -

The submitted motion "All events associated with Lancaster City Quiz League should be staged at venues who are members of the League" was defeated.

After discussion, an amended motion "Normally all events associated with Lancaster City Quiz League should be staged at venues who are members of the League" was passed. This will be entered into League Rules as Section A: League Organisation - Para. 16.

Minutes for previous AGMs are available by clicking the following links:
2022 AGM.
2021 AGM.
2019 AGM.
2018 AGM.
2017 AGM.
2016 AGM.
2015 AGM.
2014 AGM.
2013 AGM.
2012 AGM.
2011 AGM.